24 weeks

    Looking back I realized that I have not been faithful with taking pictures week by week.  I'll be getting better at it because I want to have the memories of week by week changes.
    I also realized that I haven't told everyone via the blog that what the baby is....we went to the doctors about a week after we got back from Japan and had our big ultrasound.  John wasn't able to go but the little boys were able to see the baby on the ultrasound screen.  I completely forgot to ask for pictures that I could share pictures of this little baby.  Hopefully next week I'll remember to ask for some picture of this baby.
    I am doing fine with the pregnancy -- now the aches and pains are coming on a daily basis but thankfully it's nothing to terrible.  I still have to be careful with what I eat because I still have a gag reflex.  The weather is cooling down so I'm not getting the dizzy spells as often which is wonderful.  So I'm pretty sure that this is like the rest of my pregnancy....normal.
    Baby is doing well.....a little small so my Doctor changed my due date from Jan 1 to Jan 8.  I'm keeping my due date as Jan 1 though.  The baby looks good which is awesome....and what we found out was that we are having a baby girl.  We were shocked with the news.....excited to be having a baby girl but then just shocked because both John and I assumed that we were having another boy.  I made the ultrasound tech check a couple times to make sure she was correct with the gender.   We are excited that we are having a healthy baby and are praying that this baby grows healthy and will cooperate with a smooth delivery.
I never realized how badly I needed sunglasses....it was so bright out even in the shade that I ended up squinting!  Oh well....here is a picture of me 24 weeks pregnant with baby girl Olson.  


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