More Birthday FUN!!

I love getting cards, letters or even packages in the mail.  There is something magical and special about getting something in the mail besides the predictable bills and junk mail that inevitable everyone gets (we get a lot of it here -- mostly because I can't read what they are advertising so it goes immediately into the trash pile!!).  But anyways back to getting mail it means so much to me....I mean you can send an e-mail, a facebook comment or message, you could even make a comment on the blog and it is still really special because you took the time to make a comment showing that you care but still there is something special about getting physical stuff from the mailbox.  Just makes me feel extra special and gives me the warm fuzzies.

Today Little N & M got a package in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa O.  They sent a huge package filled with stuff to give them.  We let Little N open up his card and then we let them open up two things. Little N loved his sang to him and do you know that in a 4 year old (and even 2 year old) mind that is extra special.  They just would listen to the card sing happy birthday.  (Side note -- Whoever thought of the singing card is genius and also sort of got a mean streak to them....they should invent a card that is able to count how many times it's been opened and after being opened 10 times in a 24 hour period it should automatically stop singing until another day!)  They enjoyed their presents -- matching THOMAS the train outfits and a Thomas the train.  Grandpa and Grandma sent a present for everyone to play with (Daddy, Mommy, Little N, Little M & Baby O) which was water guns.  We had fun shooting at each other and thankfully Baby O is very generous and is willing to share toys with anyone.  Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Olson for thinking of us and sending us presents!!  We love you!!
 After a much needed nap and we had to wait for John to get back home.....John had a surprise for the boys.  At least 50 balloons blown up and ready to be tossed over their heads and played with.  The boys were told to go to the extra bedroom and to wait because Daddy had a surprise for them.  They loved having all the balloon come down around them and then they loved the fact that daddy had them lay down and put all the balloons on tops of them and then let them kick the balloons out of the way.  I never knew you could have hours of fun just with 50 balloons.....but John did!!  The boys hid in the balloons, laid on the balloons, tossed the balloons in the air, played catch, etc.  They had a blast -- great idea John!!  You truly have a child like spirit and come up with the best ideas for playing with our boys!!


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