Sunday Fun

Today was a fun day!!  Church....then it was a fight for Little N to go to the first part of Sunday school.  John told him (just to get him upstairs and to class) that he could stay for just the first part and then go home.  So in Little N's head that's just how things played out!  Sigh.....he likes Sunday school but I think it stresses him out also.  Mostly because he's the only kid that doesn't speak Chinese and it's all new stuff.....learning new songs in Chinese and everything being in Chinese.  The Sunday School teachers have been very accommodating for us.....they have a helper in his class who speaks English and gives explanations to him in English (the important things.) He has a friend in the class from our Friday Women's group (more a mom's group -- so little kids come) but I think for a while it will always be a struggle of me bringing him to class and him not always wanting to stay. 
Anyways we were okay with him not wanting to stay because we wanted to get the kids down for nap because we had a double birthday party to go to.  So the kids took a nap and then we all headed over for the birthday and pizza party.  Little N and Little M had a blast playing with their friends.  John & I had a great time chatting with our friends!!  Plus the pizza was delicious!!
 Little N wanting to help open presents!!  He just got to watch!! :-)
 John finds all these interesting bugs and calls me over to take picture.  He's told me a couple times that he needs to start charging for finding all these interesting things to take pictures of!!


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