Our Family Bible Verse for 2017

I promise this year will be better about sharing our bible verses for the year.  I'm trying to get ahead so that they automatically post and I don't have to worry about posting them.  All our bible verses were also decided upon because they had a music so that we can listen to the bible verses and hide them in our heart in a variety of different ways.  All the bible verses come from the cds by Seeds Family Worship and we usually listen to them in the car.  The kids really enjoy the songs and I appreciate the fact that the more they listen to the songs, the more they memorize and hide scripture in their heart.

Every year I choose a bible verse that I feel will help us throughout the coming year.  Each year we have needed different promises that you can find in God's book.  Every year God provides and helps to remind us of the promises he has given to us.  This year will be a year of changes -- some of them are great changes and some of them are just burdens that we will have to handle and deal with as they come.  So I am praying this bible verse will be a verse that we can turn to and cling to to be reminded that God's compassions never fail and they are new every morning.  We are not always faithful but God is faithful to us and I think that is the most important reminder that I need through out this year.

Happy New Year and I pray that I will be able to post more on this blog!  Thank you for your patiences.  Do you have have a bible verse, a word or resolutions for 2017?  What are they?


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