Sunday Ramblings

      Sunday I think will officially be my busiest day!  Tons of fun but still busy!  We woke up got ready for church and headed UP to church.  It was a nice day outside which I was happy about!  Church was great -- praise songs, a small little acknowledgement & a time of saying good bye to Rocky & Rebekah (tried to take a picture but little kids plus it being a fast moment....let just say we had blurry pictures that were not even worth saving!)! Today was communion which is pretty hilarious with kids.  Little M and Little N took a cup with a scripture verse (just to help them understand that this is a serious moment and privilege) and Little M when it was time to drink the blood of Christ (juice) decided that he was gonna drink out of his cup at the same time.  Adorable moment....have to love kids! :-)
     After church I went with some friends to Costco....I felt like superwoman.....I had both kids, signed up for my membership card, took the kids to the bathroom, got food, sat down to eat and visited for a little bit all by myself (well sort of -- friends did help but it's just always a little bit harder when you are juggling two kids and trying to visit at the same time). Wanted to do some shopping while I was there but my kids were tired and just getting a little bit out of control which I wasn't sure I could deal with especially with HUGE crowds.  Went home and visited with a friend while we waited for our husbands (they were out eating) and then they played Carcassonne (not a fan so I refused to play) and visited. 
     After they left we went out to eat with the Christoffersons.  They were generous enough to take us to a new restaurant and show us some more of the area that we live.   We decided to go to a restaurant that had two pigs and a parrot just outside of their restaurant -- entertainment for the kids.  The food was Chinese in nature but not what you would expect to get a American Chinese restaurant.  Basically we had a bowl of noodles with broth and beef meat, some veggies & then some sort of collagen (pigs tail or something that has collagen in it) you are supposed to chew & eat it because it is very good for you. (Yeah....I didn't try...neither did Little M or N) Little N liked the noodles & Little M liked some of the noodles and ate all my beef.  We also had some other interesting dishes to try -- a broccoli, tofu, pepper & little hard boiled egg dish, a soft peanut dish with some other veggies, and some papaya with some passion fruit mixed with it.  I tried a little bit of everything.  Some I had more of and others....let just say I didn't! Little M tried the little boiled egg -- he wasn't a fan. But he loved the papaya & passion fruit. (But I'm really not surprised!) I think the biggest hit of the evening was the Parrot.  He would say HELLO....and then also squawk really loud which FREAKED Little N and M out.....but after a few times of him doing it they would jump and then start laughing about it!  It was a fun day and I would do it again!!


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