Easter Egg Party

We were invited to join some of our friends to have an Easter Egg hunt & potluck meal.  We were so excited.  When we got there they were ready for us....they had Easter Eggs for us to decorate....Little N loved that -- Little M was just confused and wanted to squish the eggs (we decided not to let him near the eggs) so instead he decided to eat grapes off the vine! After decorating the eggs the kids got to decorate cookies.  Seriously our hosts definitely know how to entertain kids.  I need to remember all these tricks because I never think about different activities for the kids to do.  While the kids were decorating cookies the men were hiding the Easter Eggs outside (again our hosts thought this through because this was perfect for the guys.....what guy doesn't like hiding eggs).  The Easter Egg hunt was so much fun to watch.  Little M was completely oblivious about what he was supposed to do and was SUPER excited when he got Easter Eggs to put in his bucket.  Little N loved searching for Easter Eggs with the rest of the kids.  After the Easter egg hunt we got to play at the playground which totally made John's day...he loved chasing the kids and hiding from them. After playing we ate our potlucks...can you say homemade porgies, salads, soup & bread.  Yummy!!  It was the best food & such a fun time chatting!  Great day & party!!  Thanks so much for a great day!!


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