It's Christmas Eve

Hey everyone it's Christmas Eve...time to make sure that your Christmas Tree is up, presents are under the tree and the stockings are hung with care.  Santa Claus is coming to give little boys and girls gifts (but as long as they were good and not naughty)! 

Did you know that without Baby Jesus being born we wouldn't have the traditions of getting together to celebrate with loved ones on Dec. 25?  Jesus wasn't born in the month of December....we aren't exactly sure what month he was born but the reason why we celebrate in Decemeber was because the Roman Church wanted to compete with the pagan rituals and the winter solitices was right around that time.  So we celebrate Christmas in Decemeber.  I personally think it helps break up winter time a little bit and gives you something to look forward to. 

When I lived in Japan for the year....we had tons of Santa Claus....we actually have a picture (maybe my mom has it) with some of them when my mom was visiting.  They had all the trappings of Christmas (the trees, Santa, presents) but what they were missing was the most important part of Christmas.....the GIFT and the celebration of Jesus' birth.  Jesus came down fully God and fully man as a helpless baby to save us from the curse.  He came as a helpless and defenseless baby unable to do anything for himself but be cared for by his mother Mary.  Jesus came to lift us out of the bondage of sin through the death on the cross which we celebrate on Easter.  We celebrate his birth as a celebration of life and hope. 

We give presents to each other to celebrate the gift that God gave to us in giving us his son and also in remembrance of the three wisemen (kings) gifts to Jesus - frankincense, gold & myrrh.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Let us remember the real reason why we celebrate Christmas to celebrate Jesus birth & the wonderful gift that he has given us!

Merry Christmas!!


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