A quick trip

We went on a quick trip down to the cities.  We were invited to a graduation party for Joshua.  It had been almost 8 years since I had last seen both Joshua and Christopher.  It was so fun to see them and they have gotten so big and I was just so impressed with them.  We drove down to Minneapolis and stopped at the waterfalls near Tante Jewel's house.  Such a beautiful area!!  Then we went and partied with Josh and his family.  So many former english teachers were around to celebrate with him.  Little N really liked Joshua and Little M really took a liking to Little I (Christine & Dan's daughter) it was really funny to watch them! After the party we went to Tante Jewel's house and Little N just loved the fact that we were able to stay over night at her house.  Little M had a rough night but that's because he had a nice fever and has been teething.....we also might have forgotten to bring a pack and play for him to sleep in so he had to sleep with us which he doesn't like to do much!


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