Our trip to the East Coast of Taiwan

We wanted to take Ole & Linda over to see more of Taiwan.  We were debating going to the Southern part of Taiwan or the Eastern part.  In the end we decide to go see the Eastern part of Taiwan.  You can see the beautiful water and the mountains coming out from the ocean.  We figure that there was so much to do hiking, taking pictures and exploring!  Today was a cloudy, windy day perfect weather for traveling but not really good for trying to take pictures of the scenery.  We took our time driving from the West Coast of Taiwan up towards the northern part of Taiwan over to the Eastern side of Taiwan.   It still an amazing drive no matter what the weather.  It just takes my breath away how beautiful Taiwan is.
 Even though it was a cloudy day it was still so bright hence my weird squinty look.  I love that we finally have a picture of just the two of us.  We need to make sure that we have more pictures together!
 I thought Kim would like the beautiful color of the water (you can't really tell how vibrant and varied the colors are because of the clouds but when we were here before the colors in the water were SO gorgeous!)
 At the youth hostel -- we were able to play some games and relax!


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