So this is LOVE....
I was asked if I wanted to go walk the golf course while John golfed. I was very tempted to try and golf, but after one of my friends told me that she tried to golf when she was pregnant and ended up with a pulled stomach muscle....I decided that walking would be the best. Brought the camera along so that I could take pictures and at least have fun that way. Started to take a picture but sadly the memory card was missing. John had used to and forgot to put it in. So I walked 6 holes with him and then decided that I wanted to just sit in the car and enjoy the sunshine. What love!!
Wow, that sure is dedication! What a great wife you are! I'd love to chat sometime soon, but often forget to call during normal hours, just really late at night when I figure I better not wake you up. I really want to know if you'll stay in the Cities after the wedding and be around Sunday afternoon? Let me know if you are!