A trip to Nomads

We were invited to go to Nomads (kind of a mix between Dave and Buster & Chuck E. Cheese). We had some fun. Little N liked the idea of swiping the card to play games. Little N also liked the playscape (which he really couldn't go on because he was too tiny.) Sadly the bouncy place was closed (no idea why because that would have been so much fun.) Little N got to play golf which HE wanted to do in his own particular way and would scream and cry bloody murder if we tried to help him or move him on to a different hole. Little M was okay for the most part. The strangest thing was putting Little M in the black light room and see his eye brows & the top of his head turn bright yellow (I still have NO idea what's on his head that does that!!) It was a fun night (slightly stressful because Nik had NO nap and had a busy day playing while I went dress shopping with my sister).


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