New Beginnings - Little N's first day at school

Today starts a new stage in our life -- Little N is going to school.  He is watching, & learning from other people other then us now.  His day is mostly spent with people other then us, which is just hard to think about, he is only 4 years old.  He was SO excited to go to school, he had his new backpack, his toothbrush, toothpaste & Thomas Cup, his lunch box and new slip on shoes.  He was already for school.  We all went to school for his first day just in case he needed us.  He did need us -- THANKFULLY he needed his mommy.  We put all his stuff in the right spots -- his toothbrush, toothpaste & cup went in one cubby, his lunch box in another, his shoes in another, his spare change of clothes in another, his backpack in another.  Then we went to look at all the cool new toys that he could play with.  Thankfully after the initial shock of everything Little N was fine and I was able to leave his classroom and watch as he played with toys and the kids surrounded him trying to welcome him to the classroom.  After school was over we went to pick him up and he was excited to share with us what he did in school.  Then we went home and he took a LONG nap boy school wears you out.


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