
Yesterday John set up the tent in our backyard.  He had planned on camping with Little N that night but we had unexpected visitors and to much fun was had by all so the camping was postponed.  Today we weren't even sure if there was gonna be camping.  We are struggling with getting Little N to eat what WE want him to eat.  So the deal was if he ate (1 carrot shred, 1 potatoe, 1 - 1/2 cherry, & some chicken) he could go outside to play.  Well he refused to eat the carrot shred & the Little M & Caristy went for a walk.  Then later on I held Little N in my arms and put the carrot shred & potatoe in his mouth & he finally ate we could go on a bike ride & Little N could be outside (Little N LOVES to be outside & so it was a VERY good incentive to eat his food so he could go outside).  Later on we got ready for bed and Little N and John went into the tent.  Little N was SO excited (kind of wondering if he'll go to sleep) & Little M was quite upset that he wasn't sleeping with the boys!  In other related Little M news.....Little M can sit up.....yup....he pulls himself up from a laying down postition and sits up all by himself.....I'm very interested in seeing how he does it but he seems to like to do it all by himself (alone with no watchers)!! Anyways we will let you know how the camp out went!


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