A fun adventure

John went on a bike ride and it was a really long bike ride. We went on a Monday adventure just on Tuesday.   He finally called us up and so the kids and I go ready and drove to pick him up.  It was a fun day because we went and got donuts.  Then we started driving and we drove and drove.  It seemed like it took forever to get him and I was slightly distracted because we were driving along the shoreline and wanted to take tons of pictures. Then I got more distracted when Little M said that he had to use the bathroom.  John kept on riding his bike further and further away from my car and I just couldn't get him. Thankfully we finally caught up and we had no accidents.  After we got John we went on a picnic - Little H was hungry and so were we.  We found this cool little pavilion made from two freight cars by the shoreline.  So we ate our meal in the sun and then did a mini-photo shoot in the pavilion. 
 Then as we were driving home we stopped at a place called grasslands.  It was like a nature sanctuary and had a grassy field, which is uncommon to see in Taiwan.  We started walking around and saw a HUGE bee (thankfully it was dead) and then walked around in at least 90 degree weather.  Finally we decided that we were all hot enough so we turned around and went back home.  We are pretty sure that all of us were suffering from heat exhaustion.  Thankfully we found a 7 eleven and got fluids which revived us and helped us feel better.  Then we went to our newly opened pool to enjoy the cool water.
 Little H was pretty proud of herself that she found her foot. 
 Little N was pretty proud that he could hold Little H. (It was just for the picture and I was ready to drop the camera and take her if he showed signs of dropping her). 


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