38 weeks

So we are in the homestretch waiting to meeting this little girl.  I think we have decided on a name however I'm still hoping and praying that I can get my way with the name -- we will see how things go.  Usually once I've had the baby I get my way on things, mostly because John is really nice to me.  We have non-officially made it past when Little M was born (I still think my due date is Jan. 1 but my doctor switched my due date to January 8).  Hoping that she doesn't come on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  I'd be okay with her coming anytime after Christmas.  Still hoping for a 2011 baby.

My mom is hoping that she doesn't come until January that way she can hold and cuddle the new baby -- however I am ready to meet this baby.  This week we have been doing the final stretch stuff.  We cleaned the apartment (which is really an every day thing because of how much dust sneaks through the windows and doors.), the weather is finally cold enough that I have switched over the boys summer clothes to winter stuff, John set up a toddler bed for Little M (which definitely made the boys room feel SO much bigger) and then set up the bed in the extra bedroom for when my mom comes. I made the meatballs that we will be having on Christmas Day, which I'm pretty excited about. I have packed the boys bag and my bag for the hospital.  Got most of the Christmas cards sent out today.

All I have to do is wrap Christmas presents, figure out what to give John for Christmas, find some stockings or ask my mom (or John's mom) to pick up 5 stockings once they go on clearance after Christmas.  Wait for Christmas Eve and make my rice pudding and then Christmas Day turn it into Rice Cream.  I think we are ready to meet baby sister.  I go to the doctor tomorrow so I'll see what she says. The good thing is that the last two visits the baby has been head down which is awesome because I can try for a VBAC again.  The last two visits she has told me to walk more (to get contractions going and so forth).  So we will see what she does after this visit.

I keep on forgetting to take pictures of the baby belly and that was on my goal was take one once a week or every two weeks (I failed miserably).  One of my belly picture ideas was putting all our hand prints on my belly and taking a picture.  Which I succeeded in doing.  Both boys loved putting their hand prints on my belly and I like how it turned out!  We are just waiting for baby sister to come and say hello.  Little M is very excited, he likes holding babies lately so I think he'll be excited to meet his little sister.  Little N is excited but I'm pretty sure he'll be happier once he can actually see and hold her.  To both boys the concept of the baby is very abstract.


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