Day 5 - Your favorite Quote

Huh.....your favorite quote?  I don't have one unless you think that the quote from Princess Bride......I died that day you can die to for all I care..............AS YOU WISH!!! Oh my sweet Wesley what have I to the fire swamp!!

But it's not really a quote......I would have to say my favorite quote would have to be:

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
C. S. Lewis

  Yes you can go through life without friends but when you have someone who you can share what's going on in your life (the ups and downs) and be a part of  your life - how much more fullfilling and colorful is your day and life (like art)! 


  1. I hope you know...I'm your gf even if I'm just your younger sis...I LOVE YOU!

  2. You my dear are one of my number one support lines.....which is why my quote is so dearly important!


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