Chula Vista

The first day that we spent in the water park was a little rough for all the kids.  Little N wasn't to sure about all the water and neither for that matter was Little M.  BUT today was a hard day BECAUSE neither one of my two boy wanted to get out of the water so that we could make our 9 hour drive back to our house.  They just wanted to spend all day in the water. (Thanks again for the fun time Kim & Ole)  I also think that Little G liked the water this time around also (as long as he was in his daddy's arms).....speaking of daddy's see the picture of Little M & John together something has changed in their's happened with both my boys and it's kind of sad!  They both are daddy's boys!  SIGH.....the first year of life they are mine and want nothing to do with John (okay that's stretching it alot) but after that year they decide that they need their dad!! SIGH......what about mommy?  P.S. Kim what is the look that Miss S is giving me?


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