Mommy, did it all by herself!
For Christmas Little N got a wagon so that he could sit in and we could take him places in town. Well it hasn't been warm enough to get it out of the box until today! John had to go to golf practice (he's the boys coach) so I asked him to grab the box before he left. Then while Little N was napping I got to work assembling it. Everything was SUPER easy until (there's always an until isn't there) I had to put the handle on....which was a pain in the neck. I was almost gonna call someone to see if they could help me (but I couldn't find my cell phone....I was sure I had left it in the car so I had no way to get help either) when I got it! Little N by that point was awake and wanted to see what all the banging and so forth was all about.
He was SO excited when he saw his new wagon. Of course that same day we had to use it and go for a walk. So we walked to the Pizza Ranch because they had a fund raiser night, which 25 % of the profits made that night will be given to us to help in raising money for our mission trip this summer. We also had a bake sale (almost everything sold there too.....we had a loaf of banana bread, white bread and 2 jars of jam left when the bake sale was done!)
He was SO excited when he saw his new wagon. Of course that same day we had to use it and go for a walk. So we walked to the Pizza Ranch because they had a fund raiser night, which 25 % of the profits made that night will be given to us to help in raising money for our mission trip this summer. We also had a bake sale (almost everything sold there too.....we had a loaf of banana bread, white bread and 2 jars of jam left when the bake sale was done!)
Little N was SO excited to get to ride in the wagon...he wanted his sun glasses and his jacket so that he could be just like mommy and daddy. (John was a little jealous because he had to drive to the Pizza Ranch and we got to walk!!) Now everyday as long as it's warm enough I think we will try to take a walk with Little N's Wagon! Thanks Tante Linda, Tante Lorrie, Matt and Jessie we love our wagon!!

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